Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi




Professor at the Faculty of Letters (Department of Comparative Literature), Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

BA in Romanian and French (1986, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi)

Postgraduate Diploma in Jewish Studies (1994, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies)

PhD in Philology - Stylistics and Poetics (2000, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi)

Research interests and fields of expertise: general and comparative literature; poetics and stylistics; theatre studies; Hebrew culture and civilization.

Course subjects: Classicism and Baroque in 17th Century Europe; Famous Fairy Tales Collections: from Straparola to Andersen; Romantic Fairy Tales; (Post)Modern Fairy Tales and Fantasies; Children’s Literature; Children’s Books Illustrators; Landmarks in the Detective/Mystery Genre; Landmarks in the World Theatre History; Intertextual Communication: Literature and the Visual Arts; Elements of Hebrew Culture and Civilization

Chief Editor of ACTA IASSYENSIA COMPARATIONIS (ISSN 1584-6628), an annual academic journal of comparative literature and cultural studies, published by the Comparative Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania

Instructor (since 1996) in the Romanian Language and Civilisation Summer Courses annually held at the Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi

Foreign languages: English, French



Poetica basmului modern (A Poetics of Modern Fairy Tales), Iasi, Universitas XXI Press, 2000; 2nd revised edition, Iasi, Universitas XXI Press, 2002

Dicţionar de personaje carrolliene (Lewis Carroll's Characters. A Dictionary), Iasi, Al. I. Cuza University Press, 2003

Limba română pentru străini. Curs intensiv, nivel mediu (Romanian as a Foreign Language. An Intermediate-Level Intensive Course), Iasi, Universitas XXI Press, 2005

Enciclopedia lumii lui J. R. R. Tolkien (Tolkien Encyclopedia) (co-author with Gyorfi-Déak György and Robert Lazu), Targu-Lapus, Galaxia Gutenberg Press, 2007

Literatura pentru copii. Sinteză critică (Children's Literature), Iasi, Universitas XXI Press, 2008



Dicţionarul limbajului poetic eminescian. Concordanţele poeziilor antume (Eminescu's Poetical Language. Concordances for Eminescu's Poetry Published during His Lifetime) (Dumitru Irimia, ed.), vol. I-II, Botosani, AXA Press, 2002

Inklings. Litera şi spiritul (The Inklings: The Letter and the Spirit) (Rodica Albu, ed.), Iasi, Al. I. Cuza University Press, 2004

Dicţionarul limbajului poetic eminescian. Semne şi sensuri poetice (Eminescu's Poetical Language. Poetical Signs and Senses) (Dumitru Irimia, ed.), vol. I. Arte (Arts), Iasi, Al. I. Cuza University Press, 2005



Baron Nikolai Vranghel, Memorii (Memoirs). 1847-1920, Romanian translation by Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi, geographical and historical notes by Dumitru Scorţanu, Iasi, Fides Press, 1997/2001

Ludwig Tieck, Piese-basm. Motanul încălţat (Dramatic Fairy Tales. Puss in Boots) (Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi, ed.), Romanian translation by Simona Chelărescu-Ionescu, Iasi, Al. I. Cuza University Press, 2004

Hans Christian Andersen, 14 poveşti nemuritoare (14 Everlasting Fairy Tales), Romanian translations by Max Dorge Pallesen, Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi, Adrian Crupa; introduction, notes and bio-bibliography by Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi; Iasi, European Institute Publishing House, 2005

Lewis Carroll, Faerie Tales / Poveşti din Feeria, English-Romanian edition, Romanian translations by Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi, Iasi, DramArt Press, 2006

Lewis Carroll, Another Faerie Tale / Altă poveste din Feeria, English-Romanian edition, Romanian translation by Mihaela Cernăuţi-Gorodeţchi, Iasi, DramArt Press, 2006


See DETAILS(in Romanian)


Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Facultatea de Litere, Catedra de Literatură comparată

Bd. Carol I nr. 11, 700506 Iaşi, Romania

E-mail: micer@uaic.ro, mihaela.cernauti@gmail.com